To establish connectivity between the IPPBX(A) and IPPBX(B), we need to establish a connection between the two systems. This will allow extensions in both directions to communicate with each other.


Model: FCM630A

Extensions Range from 1000 to 1009



Model: FCM5404

Extensions Range from 2000 to 2009




1.1-  Create SIP Trunk on FCM630A

Login into FCM630A web GUI.

On FCM630A web GUI, to create a peer SIP trunk, navigate to “Extensions/Trunks” and then navigate to” VOIP Trunks” click “Add SIP Trunk” to configure a new trunk.

To establish a peer SIP trunk between FCM630A and FCM5404, First, make sure that the type of the trunk is “Beer SIP Trunk” and enter a name for the trunk, then on the “Server Address” field enter the IP address and port of FCM5404 which in this scenario is “

Press “save” , and then press on “edit”

 Navigate to “Advanced Settings” and then check mark in “Enable Heartbeat Detection

To know the status of trunk navigate to “System Status -> Dashboard

A new trunk has been configured

1.2-  Create SIP Trunk on FCM5404

Navigate to “Extension/Trunk ” -> “ VoIP Trunks”, then click on “Add SIP Trunk” to configure a new SIP trunk.

To establish a peer SIP trunk between FCM630A and FCM5404, First make sure that the type of the trunk is “SIP” and enter a name for the trunk e.g., FCM630A, please make sure that “Register” field set to “NO”, the default is “NO”, Then on the “Trunk IP/Domain” field enter the IP address of FCM630A which in this scenario is

Navigate to advanced and set OPTIONS Interval (15), Then click “Save”.

 A new trunk has been configured 


2.1- Configure Outbound Routes on FCM630A

Navigate to “Extension/Trunk -> Outbound Control” then click on “Add” Button

then give a name to this rule “To FCM5404”, 

– In the Pattern field, please write: 200x

{ Pattern “200x ” It means the dialed number must be 4 digits And last number must be between 0 to 9 (Extension digits of FCM5404) }                    ​From 2000 to 2009

– From “Privilege Level” select the privilege level of extension can use this rule .

– From “Main Trunk” please select the trunk that you created “FCM5404

– Click on “save” to save to rule details.

– Click on “Apply Changes” in the top right of the page to apply all changes.

A new route has been configured.

 2.2-  Configure Inbound Routes on FCM630A

Navigate to “Extension/Trunk -> inbound Control” then choose the trunk FCM5404 and click Add

To set an inbound route you need to determine some credentials:

1.    Name “ From_FCM5404”

2.    Pattern “ 100x “

3.    Destination “By DID”

4.    Allowed DID Destination “ extension “

A new route has been configured.


3.1- Configure Outbound Routes on FCM5404

To set an outbound route you need to determine some parameters:

1.    Name.

2.    Dial pattern.

3.    Extensions that can use that route.

4.    Trunks used by that route.

To complete configure that route and understand these parameters follow the instructions below.

On FCM5404 web GUI, navigate to “Call Control” -> ” Outbound Routes” to create a new route this will allow an extension on FCM5404 to reach extension on FCM630A through peer SIP trunk that has been configured before.

First, delete the default route on “Call Control” -> ” Outbound Routes” page.

Click on “Add” to set a new route.

The next page will open where you will fill parameters required in that route.

– Name: Any name for that outbound route to mark it.

– Dial plan: Pattern 100[0-9] It means the dialed number must be 4 digits And last number must be between 0 to 9 .

“ to understand pattern click here

– Member Extensions: Extensions allowed to use that route.

– Member Trunks: Trunks that will be used for that route, in our scenario it will be Peer SIP 

A new route has been configured.

3.2- Configure Inbound Routes on FCM5404

To set an inbound route you need to determine some credentials:

1.    Name

2.    DID pattern

3.    Destination

4.    Member Trunks

So, to complete set that route and understand these parameters please follow the instructions below.

On the FCM5404 web GUI, navigate to “Call Control “ -> ” Inbound Routes” then add a new route. In this scenario, we will use DID range to match extension range as following.

Delete the default Route

Click on “Add” to configure a new route.

Then you will be directed to a window to configure inbound route parameters as following.

DID Pattern: DID number forwarded from FCM630A to SIP Peer Trunk with FCM5404.

DID Pattern must meet Extension Range in the quantity of numbers configured.

Name: Set any name to mark that rule for example: “From_FCM5404”.

Destination: The Destination where the incoming calls will be directed to, there is more than option that you can direct the calls to as following.

Member Trunks: Select the trunk source of this route which in this case will be the SIP Peer Trunk configured.

A new route has been configured.

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